Lingashtakam Stotram

Lingashtakam Stotram is an eight verse stotram dedicated to the worship of lord shiva in his “Linga” form. The first lyric, “Brahma Murari Surarchita Lingam,” is very well-known. Reciting Lingastakam is said to promote mental tranquility. It is also stated that by regular chanting of Lingashtakam with extreme dedication, one can obtain moksha and reach Shivaloka. Get Lingashtakam Lyrics in Hindi pdf here and chant with devotion for the blessing of Lord Shiva.

Table of Contents

Lingashtakam Stotram

ब्रह्ममुरारि सुरार्चित लिंगं
निर्मलभासित शोभित लिंगम् |
जन्मज दुःख विनाशक लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 1 ‖

देवमुनि प्रवरार्चित लिंगं
कामदहन करुणाकर लिंगम् |
रावण दर्प विनाशन लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 2 ‖

सर्व सुगंध सुलेपित लिंगं
बुद्धि विवर्धन कारण लिंगम् |
सिद्ध सुरासुर वंदित लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 3 ‖

कनक महामणि भूषित लिंगं
फणिपति वेष्टित शोभित लिंगम् |
दक्षसुयज्ञ विनाशन लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 4 ‖

कुंकुम चंदन लेपित लिंगं
पंकज हार सुशोभित लिंगम् |
संचित पाप विनाशन लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 5 ‖

देवगणार्चित सेवित लिंगं
भावै-र्भक्तिभिरेव च लिंगम् |
दिनकर कोटि प्रभाकर लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 6 ‖

अष्टदळोपरिवेष्टित लिंगं
सर्वसमुद्भव कारण लिंगम् |
अष्टदरिद्र विनाशन लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 7 ‖

सुरगुरु सुरवर पूजित लिंगं
सुरवन पुष्प सदार्चित लिंगम् |
परमपदं परमात्मक लिंगं
तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगम् ‖ 8 ‖

A well-known Sanskrit song called the Lingashtakam Stotram honors Lord Shiva as the Lingam, a representation of Shiva’s formlessness. The meaning of “Lingashtakam” is “eight stanzas about the Lingam.” The Lingashtakam Stotram describes several facets and qualities of the lingam in each of its stanzas.

The Lingashtakam Stotram, which is frequently chanted by devotees to ask for Lord Shiva’s blessings and favor, extols the Lingam as the ultimate symbol of His formlessness, omnipresence, and eternal nature.

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